
Sleep Coaching


“Dr. Jill Campbell is AMAZING!!!  We were having sleep regression issues with our 2 year old after a family vacation had thrown him off his schedule.  I felt like I had a newborn again with multiple nighttime wakings, early morning wake-ups and needing to be put down asleep.  He had also given up napping completely, but was clearly exhausted by the afternoon.  I had an 80 minute consult with Jill (who has a doctorate in early child development, I believe) and I followed her suggestions to a T.  It was difficult to imagine that we would actually get back to a good place with his sleeping, but after just THREE DAYS of being consistent with the recommendations, he napped today for the first time in 2 1/2 months, he has gone down awake and he has slept through the night the past 3 nights.  I cannot say enough about how helpful Jill was and how exactly right her recommendations are.  If you are experiencing sleep issues with your young child or need help getting your baby on a schedule (Jill taught my mommy and me class so I know her from when my older son was an infant and she was super helpful then also), then I would highly recommend making an appointment with Jill.  I am so grateful that I could almost cry right now!  I feel so hopeful that we will have a good sleeper again now that I have better tools for how to get him sleeping regularly.  I cannot recommend Jill Campbell highly enough!”

— Juli  W.

Mommy & Me

“Jill Campbell...I think she literally saved my life!

Jill has made a monumental difference in my life!  When I had my son, I knew nothing about babies.  She has taught me everything I know to make it through the first year and beyond!”

— Courtney A

“Jill Campbell’s Mommy and Me class was one of the highlights of my first year of motherhood. Jill creates an environment that is caring, open, fun and informative while helping those in the class to establish and foster meaningful relationships. I am still close with many of the moms and babies I met in those first months of my son’s life thanks to this experience. Jill will help you navigate through this exciting and sometimes confusing year. This class is not to miss!”

— Laura N

“Jill's class was an invaluable source of advice and support as a first time mommy. Jill is an amazing source of knowledge and most importantly, a trusted friend who always made everything seem all right no matter what that first year came up with. Her class is also extremely well structured to anticipate any issues exactly when you need to know how to deal with them. Couldn't recommend it more.”

— Margie M

“As a mom of two, I learned and enjoyed a lot from Jill's mommy and me class. Jill is an excellent communicator and makes an atmosphere where everybody can listen or speak whatever she is wondering about with her own baby right on her arms. Her class is a like a mini-class on every topic about what first moms or even second moms like me have to know to feel confident in nurturing and raising babies. Jill's mommy and me class was like an oasis to me from the hectic daily life and had surely recharged me with confidence. The best part I earned from this class was that I got to know with other moms and babies who have the same challenge as we raise new babies and to see our babies to grow up together.”

— Ashley P

“Mommy & Me was one of the most rewarding things that I did with my baby during her first year, especially as a first time mom.  Every week, we came together to bond with other mommies and babies going through the same types of things that we were experiencing.  We loved the nurturing and encouragement we got from the class leader, Jill Campbell, whose guided discussion topics were always mindful, timely and relevant to our babies development.  Getting to know other first time moms, and their babies, was incredibly nurturing to my heart and soul, especially in those vital few months postpartum when a crying infant can be daunting and overwhelming.  To see my baby bond with the other babies and watch them all as they rolled over for the first time, or laughed or smiled, or stood up and took their first steps only strengthened the love I have for my daughter as I see the ways in which she is totally unique.  Every new mom needs a community, and the women I met in Mommy & Me have become dear close friends that I look forward to connecting with for many years to come.”

— Liza B 

“I am so happy that I joined Jill Campbell's mommy and me class, it truly was a wonderful experience. As a first time mom, Jill's class personally guided me through the first year of my son’s life. From sleep training, teething, baby safety, nutrition, parenting, dancing, singing... you name it we did it! She always had an answer for our questions and encouraged us to share our thoughts and feelings each week. She was even quick to respond to our emails that we would send her. Jill was like our own personal baby concierge! The support and understanding that I received from this class is priceless. I am grateful that the Pump Station offered this class by Jill Campbell. I recently moved out of the area, however I am strongly considering driving the 45 minutes to attend this class again, as I know have another baby who is a week old! Last but not least, my husband is also very thankful for all the love and support I got from this class. It made his life a lot less stressful!”

— Sandra P

“I signed up for the mommy and me classes for a few sessions with Jill Campbell and omg where do I start?!?!?!? First of all, if you're looking for a mommy and me class, look no further than Jill's class.  She is so delightful, supportive, sweet, understanding, calming, knowledgeable, realistic but in a politically correct way, smart and friendly individual.  I looked forward to her class every week and it was really the highlight when being a new mommy was super stressful and exhausting.  She is so knowledgeable and informed about all topics baby and parenting.  I cannot say enough about her. It was also so wonderful being around mommies that are going through the same experiences and are willing to share with you to make you feel more comfortable and normal about your experiences.”

— Sonia R

“Where can I start? This review is dedicated to the ever so warm hearted Jill Campbell, Psy.D. 7 months ago I signed up for my first Mommy & Me class at the Westlake Village store. While there have been some changes to the business, the instructor has transitioned and maintained the integrity of the Pump Station and Nurtury. Class are still in full circle off-site at other locations. Jill communicates with us weekly the handout topics to be discussed weekly and is there whenever we need her. I feel so comfortable and have great trust in her. Without her experience and her education I wouldn't be where I am today. I have taken away so much from her classes and learned so much. I am utterly grateful for the tips and can see that she genuinely cares about my little one. I love coming back from class and sharing my findings with my spouse and family. I think personally one of the best takeaways is having a professional opinion and not only what your family and friends experiences. The case studies and clinical research from the American Academy of Pediatrics are insightful as a first time Mommy. I am appreciative to you! I highly encourage you all to join her classes.”

— Sarah S

“While being pregnant, I researched local mommy and me classes and was bummed out to see that pump station doesn't have locations nearby. I ended up signing up for mother's haven classes but didn't enjoy them at all. I was so happy to hear that pump station is testing out a new Calabasas location. Once I attended the complimentary drop-in class, I was hooked and signed up right away! We are now in our 2nd session and I look forward to Tuesday classes every week. Our instructor, Jill, is extremely knowledgeable - sleeping, solids, teething... you name it - and she will be able to give you research/based advice for you and your baby! She also provides weekly materials pertaining to each topic that are extremely helpful. Not to mention, meeting other moms with kids around the same age has been amazing! I definitely highly recommend mommy and me class at this location to all new moms!”

— Nelya S