Support Groups, Workshops & Classes


“Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others.”

- Harriet Lerner


We live in a society that seems to value independence and autonomy so much so that we have come to look at needing help from others as a weakness. This is a major problem, because the truth is that nothing is more accurate than the expression, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In a classic research paper by Stern and Kruckman that looked at how different cultures take care of new mothers, they found that in cultures where rituals were in place to provide support and care for new moms, the incidence of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders was extremely low. Human beings are neurobiologically wired for connection.  Parenting is rewarding, but it’s also hard work. We were never meant to do this alone. Whether it be in a small group setting or a one-time workshop on the parenting topic of your choice, I will provide you with a safe, supportive environment where judgment is suspended and you are free to explore, learn, and grow into the conscious parent and person you were meant to be.

mothers and babies at group class

Groups and workshop topics include but are not limited to:

        • Postpartum adjustment and support

        • Attachment, bonding and communication

        • Mindfulness-based parenting

        • Renegotiating your relationship with your partner after baby

        • The myth of perfection 

        • How to foster cooperation and listening in your child

        • How to avoid power struggles and raise competent eaters

        • Infant and toddler sleep problems