Dr Campbell speaking on panel at Big City Moms



 Speaking Engagements

Dr. Campbell has made several media appearances on such programs as The Doctors, First 5 LA, Kids in the House, The Honest Company’s Facebook Live,  NickMom's reality comedy Take Me to Your Mother, and W Network's documentary television series Hockey Wives. In addition, Dr. Campbell has led parenting workshops for corporations such as HBO, Fox Studios, and Saatchi & Saatchi.  She is a frequent panelist at MommyCon, Big City Moms, and The LA Baby Show.

If you would like Dr. Campbell to speak at your event, please contact her at info@drjillcampbell.com




Ask Dr. Jessica

Dr. Campbell was a featured guest on pediatrician Dr. Jessica Hochman’s podcast, Ask Dr. Jessica, where she shared her passion for teaching mindfulness to parents.


The Doctors

Dr. Campbell appeared on the television program The Doctors to discuss tips on weaning a resistant toddler off breastfeeding.


Kids in the House

Dr. Campbell spoke to Kids in the House about how to regain a positive body image after giving birth.

Find more Kids in the House videos featuring Dr. Campbell here