Parent Coaching


“Do I contradict myself? Very, well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.”

- Walt Whitman

Becoming a parent can bring great joy and celebration, but as with any transition in our life, there is also some loss involved. You are saying good-bye to your old life and your old self in order to learn a new role that you don’t yet have confidence in. As a parenting coach, I combine my clinical background in psychology with my passion for educating and empowering new parents. My goal is to help you to parent in a way that reduces stress and reactivity and increases patience and your ability to parent in accordance with your values. 

laughing baby
      • Parent support and education

      • Infant and toddler sleep problems

      • Attachment and bonding

      • Mindful parenting

      • Positive discipline

      • Handling temper tantrums and power struggles

      • Separation anxiety

      • Picky eaters